[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

we aren’t CFDing to possessed

It’s against my agenda when most of people say he is NK.

sam confirms possesed’s check.

so either sam is scum, poss is not, both are town, or both are scum.

sam is the lynch there always.

unless poss is a seeker or cabalist or mind flayer. But i don’t see that likely

Well more the reason my vote sticks on Jgoes.

I doubt cfd to Jgoes will happen especially I was asleep and nothing happens with nearlu hammer on Sam

I don’t think there’s a world where anybody that isn’t Sam gets lynched right now.

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just 2 more votes.

jgoes did his readslist.

can we hammer sam now?

@JakeTheWolfie @Shurian

I assume Frost/Jgoes aren’t gonna vote this?


You better assume that you have read my reason.

We are not lynching NK.

okay we get nothing out of not hammering and it is 2:17 am for me

/vote Sam kappa

7-8 minutes until EoD

It would be nice if we got FoL game where only europeans exist, same for northern americans.

/vote Sam27z

Last minute vote

@Maxwell @Geyde @Emilia

I believe that is hammer.

It is not because Jake unvoted.

Regardless, the day is now over and flip is incoming.

@Frostwolf103 never mind it was hammer because of shurian

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No it is mine >:slight_smile:

But yes Shurian voted

Day 2 Final Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Sam17z Kai_5, Arete, WazzaAzza :crown:, Marshal, Luxy, katze, Shurian, Frostwolf103 8/8
Marshal Sam17z 1/8
Jgoesgaming Frostwolf103, SirDerpsAlot, PoisonedSquid 3/8
Possessed Jgoesgaming 1/8
Abstaining Players AlexejheroYTB, Possessed 2/15

Sam17z was accused of treason from all sides by the court today. Due to unfortunate circumstances of some form or another, he soon found himself defenseless. “It’s Not Me!” he cried. “You have to believe me!” But it was all in vain. The court was out for Sam’s head, and they indeed got it. They would not be happy with what they found, however. The Blue Dragon vowed to remedy this perhaps fatal error going forward, but for now, all they could do was head to their quarters for the night and regret what had occurred today.

Sam17z has been lynched by the court on the charge of High Treason! He was . . .

The Butler

Blue Dragon Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Nightshade Wine (Day) - Poison The King, causing him to die tonight if not healed. The king will not be informed if he is poisoned. If The King is Good, you will commit suicide. - 1 use, available starting Day 2 :crown:
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting them drunk. - Infinite uses
Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying all players who visit you tonight (Bypasses occupy immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Sam17z had a piece of parchment containing his logs on person that the court was able to salvage. They say the following:

  1. Jgoesgaming
  2. WazzaAzza :crown:
  3. AlexejheroYTB
  4. Frostwolf103 Town lean!
  5. Vulgard: Dead
  6. Shurian: Town lean contributes to town, and uses hunter claim to promote discussion
  7. SirDerpsAlot - Slight Scum lean : follows push on arrete
  8. PoisonedSquid: Null : posts have been memes / jokes. The squid I know would be more active / at least try to make a move. Attempts have been made to contribute. Less analytical though. Activity / posts is the deal breaker. Will follow the amount of analysis and make a judgement at a later date
  9. Marshal - Scum lean! noble claim
  10. Katze: Town lean: seems to try to be participating. Looked through old forum games for meta’s. @ me once to try and get me more active. A rookie; but an attempt is made. Wired push by Vulgard on this.
  11. Arete: but can go either way. Early game “helping newbies to be nice” is seen as pocketing / trying to contribute without any quality content. Experience is the deciding factor. If very good, then the former. If medium then the latter.
    Lock town at least from d1
  12. Possessed: medium scum read! Shadethrowing me and using gut reads to justify push. Using inactivity to force mislynch
  13. JaketheWolfie - Scum lean! Uses Luxy and arrete SvS to try and get one of the scum
  14. Sam17z - Bd Butler Incase scorned wipes class
  15. Kai_5 - Scum lean : Follows the push on arete, and does not provide evidence/ deduction
  16. Luxy: Null. Either thinks the same as I and believes arrete is experienced enough for pocketing and thus scum. Or using that small detail as a basis for mislynch. Time will tell.

D2: Posts ~ 1060


N1: Occupy Vulgard ( setting up for some mislunches; asked for me to be investigated )
