[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Ya’ll ruined my popcorn
Gimme back my popcorn

Here have the popcorn
Dont like that type of popcorn

Shurian is second poster and has no meaningful content

FoS on him for now for meta reasons

yes I’m shading you but I also suspect I’m right

About everyone in BfA :slight_smile:

For the benefit of the new players this means Finger of Suspicion, i.e. ‘I think it’s kind of sus’

If you’re commenting on my response time, I’m reading on past FoL games, doing laundry, and responding here at the same time.

So I’m not exactly giving this my full attention yet :stuck_out_tongue:

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Meaningful content will only appear when I can meaningfully contribute LOL

That’s great and all but if you’re town I want to be able to find you as such and when you are you usually make it pretty obvious

We’re just going to go ahead and ignore Mafia Academy

“Masonizers can target Godfathers” - Arete, 2019

Give it time my dear
Give it time
I dont know if I slept last night, i swear I was up all night, but I think I slept, is that normal?

I cant think today, like cannot

That’s not normal

Go to sleep :eyes:

Its 3 PM dude I’m at internship I cant sleep at work

Been operating in this semi conscious state since morning

Shelving Shurian for now on that basis, he’ll probably end up making his alignment obvious one way or another

Who else wants to help me sort them

Im staring at the screen
Just staring
I see things but guck

Fake Claims Neut as Neut, 101000ia play

Are you claiming neut or am I just dumb

No not neut but fuck i cant think rn

Imma come back like just b4 eod