[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

I just fixed a typo in this post.

As per the OP, the first day lasts only 24 hours.

(carry on)

You’re doing it again

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why am i awake it’s 2:16 AM

but arete maybad

3:30 AM*

You forget about daylight savings or something? :wink:

Im in central time flordanerd

Yet again, you fail my reaction test…nerd. :pensive:

Probably is time for me to sleep as well though.

Placing bets on 200 unread posts when I awaken from my slumber.


We’re 1/8th on the way to failing katze’s expectations of us.

Ok doctor strange boomer

Hmm ok, I keep in mind.

Complete noob, but I think I’m prepared.
(Don’t know the meta though)

U could read on i42 completed games to account for meta! Most recent ones are SFoL 54~57, FM:BfA and Mafia Academy!

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I think you mean SFoL 53-56. SFoL 57 is the next game I will be hosting, Last Stand of the Virtuous, which will not begin until early January. Also, SFoL 54 was canned.

53, 55, 56 were the only ones to run?


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I mean SFoL 54 did roll and start. It was just canned during Day 2.

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I am a member of the Blue Dragon and I dislike the fact there is no day 1 lynch.
Can’t even threaten people with my triplevote, smh.

Here have my lunch

3 bets say I die tonight

I tried to jail @Ami but I got redirected to myself just now.
What is this tomfoolery?

No rest for the wicked it seems.

Hello Vulgard.

Terrible Day One Read #1:

Frost BD

That’s cold, I like that.

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