[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

The hosts are thinking of ending the night phase early. We are still waiting on a few more actions to be received but after that we would like to process EoN1 / SoD2 early.

If you don’t want the night phase to end early and would still like more time in this night phase, please inform us of such in your classcard as soon as possible. If we don’t hear anything by the time we have received all actions, the night phase will end.


Due to a request, the night phase will actually end no more than 2 hours before its standard end time.

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The night will actually not end early at all due to a different request. I’ll be awake at EoN1 / SoD2 so it should not be an issue.

The night phase will never end early this game after some clarification I received from Geyde. If it is ever the case that no host is around at EoN, the start of the next day will just be delayed

Apologies for the confusion


The other hosts have been busy and an unforseen commitment occupied me until now, but now I am available.

The night already ended 83 minutes ago, but I will now process EoN1 and SoD2. Expect to receive your night result very soon.

As the citizens of Castle Adiart awoke from their slumber, they discovered an unsettling sight. Their fellow citizen Vulgard had been killed on the castle grounds! With a piece of parchment containing his occupation and his will all that they had, the members of Castle Adiart vowed to avenge their fellow Blue Dragon member and find who had conspired against them. His loss would not be in vain, they promised.

Vulgard has been found dead! He was . . .

The Observer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Little Bird (Day) - Send a bird to track if target player leaves their room that night or not. In addition, you will learn if any players visited target player or not. You will be told at the end of the night. - 2 uses
Follow (Night) - Watch someone to see who visits them. - Infinite uses
Stalk (Night) - Track a player to determine who they visit. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Vulgard left some logs for the court; they are as follows:

Vulgard, the Observer
D1 - Little Bird Marshal
N1 - Follow Luxy. I got added to Royal Chat with Arete and Luxy. Would have followed Arete but Arete said in Royal Chat that they were jailed.
If NK is Demon, they always visit Arete here, I’m convinced - which means there should probably be no nightkill from the NK in that case?
My thoughts should be in Royal Chat. I’ve been pretty transparent with my reads.
I think katze is probably just V and Luxy/Arete are never partners based on their D1 interactions.
1+ of Luxy/Arete (they are never partners)
Derps? (I actually don’t think my NK read on him is terrible, but maybe I’m confbiasing myself into a stupid read.)
Marshal (if Arete V)
^ where I’m at.

Day 2 has just begun and will end at either 2019-11-22T09:11:00Z or when a player gets hammered, whichever comes first.

As players, feel free to post updated unofficial vote counts whenever you’d like, as the hosts will try but may not always be around to post updated official vote counts when pertinent. If you do post an unofficial vote count update, please use the standard chart format, however.



Did Vulgard mention his night action in royal chat, royal chatters? He didn’t seem like a high priority kill, but an observer claim and ESPECIALLY one following another royal chat user could bump him up the kill list.

Is Horrified at the night kill

Royal chat?

I got conduited with someone. And I’m waiting for that someone to come up (no its not Vulgard, poor fellow’s still sleeping).

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Yeah, apparently King added Luxy, Arete and Vulgard to Royal Chat last night. If Vulgard claimed there, hed be a target if one of Luxy/Arete was groupscum.

Did the person you got conduited with claim perchance?

Vulgard wasnt a target

Lets just leave it at that

And yes, they claimed, and they claimed Princess looking at Kai.

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Oh boy, I think I know where you’re going with that lmao

He was most definitely swapped cum got redirected to.


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If he was redirected, we should have the killer.

Also, I do have several questions on the person who was with me in Conduit chat. But I wanna see more before acting later.