[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

I truly believe we are now wasting time while real evils roam free. They are having a field day while we spend this entire time focusing on BD

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There is more evidence that is denying intial acusations.

They kinda carry on with changing it into Inq acusation.

I just don’t believe this could be TvTvT, and you still haven’t revealed

Then who are the real evils? Saying that scum are just running around isn’t going to do jack

Everyone hardpushing this execution is suspicious to me.

I think looking at exes is a safe bet

Squid, quick question.

You literally was forced to change your whole PoV around.

Yet you still didn’t reevaluated anything.

Because I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. All these different claims left to right is making me want to tear my hair out and without a clear source, it’s hard to trust anyone

No kidding? I wonder where that came from.

So you execute cause you don’t know what’s going on?

Okay. No more questions.


You said flipping me explains Derps and Zone.

How would each flip: BD, Cult, Unseen, Neutral (Inq speciffically) make you evaluate them?

Zone has to be good here, that’s for sure. I still want to hear his whole slew of explanation of everything that’s explained. Hell, my vote isn’t even certain anymore, but I’m leaving it where it is because I don’t want to leave this whole thing unvoted and be passive

You flip BD, it doesn’t confirm them but definitely both become townlean

You flip Cult/Unseen, Zone is townlock Derp is high scumlean

You flip inq, Zone is null, derp is townlock

Actually if you’re inq, zone is likely still townlock

Also I think we’re confirmed unseen now

Okay, expand on reason behind me flipping cult/unseen.

Derps couldnt have visited eevee if they are both starting cultseen. Nobody has outted a Deb

As per reads on them with me flipping cult/unseen.

If you flip cult/unseen I would have to believe that it wasn’t an RT and derps made you guys out to a BD king which would sum up this game nicely, I would then put suspicions on chloe after prince kills derp

Has everyone that’s still alive spoken yet though? There’s still @AlexejheroYTB to consider and maybe @Nuclear_Rehab