[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

ok well when you submit an action make it one that makes sure i don’t die please and thank you

we had a good night in jail bby

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Because then we can execute our Derps instead.

And no, that is not sarcasm. It is the same thing as you were saying when it comes to Nuclear.

Just a mere slip of the tongue.

As per hunters:

You suck. Both of you were on the verge of lynching, even despite using “I am prince” as defense.
Like if everyone thinks you are not prince enough to lynch you… then you are not doing bait correctly.

The secret in baiting kill is ot look townie. Not to be nearlly lynched.

Both of you are most likely real.

Altho it’s questionable that Uni didn’t know hunter is not unique if they rolled it.

As per king test:

Both Derps and Zone are most likely starting BD.
Zone most likely even ending BD, considering being king.
I also am positively sure I know who he made immune to conversion.

As per squid:

Squid is questionable. Theirs vote on me was due to “not knowing where to place it”.
They were also actively calling for Katze lynch, not noticing that theirs story adds up. Not reevaluating in both cases.

But there are few simple posts which never come from scum.

Take “Eevee, if this is town, I’m going to Scumread you for this” for example.
If Nuclear fliped town, it would be getting better position, preparing to tunel me tommorow ect. ect.
However Nuclear flipped scum. Which makes this post not work from scum PoV… ever.
Cause why would scum udnermine theirs position or at best do NAI post when theirs buddy is CFDed?
They wouldn’t.

Squid… start reevaluating information. It’s useful.

As per other stuff

Who tf would covnert Nuclear.
Someone who plaied Dg game most likely, considering that Nuclear was pretty wrong in other games or just killed early.
It kinda leads me back to… Squid? No. Marshal? No… Katze? Ehhh… No idea to whom. And that’s annoying me.
I literally can’t pinpoint who would convert Nuclear. That’s weird. Very weird.

Like remember me asking question who would you convert? Scum was scared with kill, avoiding top players, but also avoiding newbies. Pool of possible converts was very low, Nuclear was among it.

But now that I look at it from the opposite direction - who would convert them… there is not that many good answers. Or pretty much no answers at all(?).
Weird. Maybe you will get to something from it.

So what are your reads actually?

I despise readlists, you know it. But I will give you list of people I would not consider a valid lynch (unless more information happens):

Chloe, Frostwolf, Marshal, Zone, Shurian, Squid, Universal, Katze, Derps
Those are most likely NOT unseen. Can however easily be a neutral

Yes, if there was someone bussing on Nuclear wagon, I would say it’s most likely Jgoes, or still one of the hunters, since theirs PoV is easiest to be faked.

That leaves out PoE of:
Kai, Jgoes, Soulshad55r, Kyle20, Alexehhero.

And now you start seeing how is Nuclear conversion not adding up.
It makes sense from Soul or Kai at most.
Katze and Universal too if I am to be honest.

To do:

@PoisonedSquid check what happened first - Marshal claiming Derps result or Derps claiming his role. We need to know if Marshal’s ability is proven.
@Frostwolf103 check what happened first - Derps claiming his visit or Chloe claiming that they saw him. Altho Chloe is pretty much real for claiming that Derps was ONLY visit (Watcher is harder to fake than tracker). Please still do it.
@Marshal Kyle20 and Jgoes. Solo and interactions with each other / main wagon at the time. Do it.

Rest should just do other stuff.

Have fun.

This was writen when I was sober. Carry on in acordance ti stuff tgere.

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No. It. Isn’t. Read my explanation above. I was telling you how your logic is flawed by trying to vote me - when - if you think I’m truly MM, you should jail me instead.

Also Alex, you havent been too active, I may have info on you. Claim pls.

oh wow this is just great i literally have no day or night actions to my name.

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Shurian tell me why you want to up Derps.

and no information

hey heck you my goal was to get attention off of the prince

i didnt expect people to believe me

I claimed D1 or D2 I think. Chronomancer

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I will Time Warp Marshal tonight as he requested unless I am told otherwise by a townlock.

No, I already have mech info on who the current Assassin is.

It’s more strange that you would go to the promoting part immediately instead of trying to do town stuff.

What do we call that
Fuck im not good with mafia terms
I think it was intimidation?

No… what was it…
Discrediting? No thats not right either.

Oh yeah, discrediting.
I’m nigh convinced you’re scum, so please tell me.
If you and Derps are not scum.
Tell us the names of those scum that you think they are

Reasons why we should not execute Derpss:

  • Reactiontest on Zone to out him as possible Evil/Devout King
  • Visited eevee n1 and Nuclear was converted = Not MM
  • Visited eevee n1 and eevee did not die = not killer


I’ve voted who I think is scum.


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Also is it not town stuff to tell you what the correct play is? By executing someone you believe to be Mastermind, you allow Assassin to promote and convert tonight. I cannot possibly be MORE town to tell you to do that

I believe our Inquisitor has the answer to that.

I wonder, Inquisitor, out yourself and your target roles.