[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Where the fuck is the actual inquisitor
No one is stopping you from claiming that last kill on the last heathen so you may as well claim now

can we just execute shurian for this

Can’t be protected

I know he claimed Hunter earlier.

then stop fluffposting

do you know who you’re talking to


ehhhhh yo soy in un dilemnah.

fuck it

im the inq bitches

I die tonight and it’s not physically possible to protect me unless inq is jailed

thats where your wrong

i can kill you even when in jail

you can ask the hosts lul

You can’t action in jail

this is probably a RT but i don’t really care cause your princess claim was awful

You go through jail but can’t action in jail


hosts ruled i can kill in jail(bypasses everything, including being in jail)

Okay but that’s wrong

I shall not answer your questions if they are not related to the game and don’t provide any useful information.

Heretic classes?

Hosts please clear this up

jail just occs bypassing occ immunity

my kill bypasses the occ immune defeating occ


derps always dies unless i am lynched

but if y’all lynch me then unseen have 3 tonight

and yes i did yolo datbird