[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

How on Earth are you managing to find him as neut lol

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doesnt lower my hatred but i guess thats fine for now. What I really want to know if theres a good neut like merc who can help us in this shithole we are in now

Cause its such a stupid action that i dont really think town or scum pulls this stupid of a move

i don’t think there really are “good neuts” besides ones that might be good like merc with BD targets or inq with scum heathens.

Then tell me, motivation-wise, what is the motivation behind that move?

Then conclude his alignment for me.

Well if u can convince some to work with ya like scorned, it can work

“marshals posting is too dumb to be town or scum”

Im not upset with this statement

Ok, you say it’s a cult game and everyone goes along with it and the 9 or so people that you stated should know you well enough to see it’s a reaction test also go along with it.
There’s already a huge red flag. 9 people. NINE PEOPLE. NEIN PEOPLEEEE. There’s already a big chance mafia knows of the reaction test.
Even if there isn’t a mafia knowing of the reaction test, if you gambled wrong in it being a cult game then the mastermind faction can play along with it. Aside from them wondering why you claimed it’s a cult game, they would also be hard to differentiate from genuine players since there is no cult mechanics to give TMI in.

So they can take advantage of the situation and we just lost 12 hours

as someone who fakeclaimed scorned as town in the last FoL i guess i can see this.

This is my thought process of the entire thing

knowing something is a reactiontest doesn’t always make it invalid.

i got caught off a rt in Sfol55 even though i knew it was a RT, because i gave a response that looked like i knew it was a rt but was trying to play into it.

I like Uni, but something tells me not to blindly just trust in Uni (Cries in Jojo)

Give me some time to fully trust Uni XD

and i don’t think mafia can keep a natural tone for 50 or so posts.

and just one slip-up is all it takes.

Knowing a reaction test doesn’t make it invalid, but it doesn’t help the chances of it being able to catch a scum slip.

converting marshal tonight

Yes good plan, they’ll never see it coming


Then we bus him for town cred

Hes the new PKR

i lowkey wanna be converted because i like scum more and also i’ve never been converted before.

mods didn’t see this

You know, maybe I knew scum faction cause I’m inq with scum heathens :^)