[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Again, there has to be another reason for this RT



even though this is a really stupid RT

i think it’s NAI for marshal to do a dumb RT like this

because it’s marshal

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i think in every game i’ve played with him he’s done shit like this

and i don’t think he was scum in any of those games

It isn’t my biggest fear, it’s just a possible result. My biggest fear is this game being completely misunderstood and mafia using it to their advantage


i hate you marshal

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I feel like he has done it in scum games, but from memory i couldnt tell ya

yes. that’s it and i don’t see what’s wrong with that here.

Most players know me and my tendency to RT. any competent BD with the info that i, marshal, am bullshitting would wait until i reveal the bullshit or don’t.

and if it comes to don’t then im outed scum and then outing to get me out is +ev anyways

So you think I care about remembering everyone’s meta on all 8 sites I play on?

No, I don’t.

Who tf would care about meta to begin with.
It kills the fun if you already know how to read certain people.

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but he’s done this shit in town games too, which is my point

RTs aren’t AI for him

even if this is a particularly poor one

Ok so I’m back for a second after catching up to the Marshal RT. Before it was established that it was a RT claim, I found it very likely to be a NE-type play. Odds of getting CCed were likely low, and if the guess paid off he would get a free claim. If he happened to get checked, he would show up green (except to a Princess check, but still…good chances). It could also pay off to look like a NE to scum so they can see you fake claimed and they know your agenda.

I don’t think this slot flips groupscum, however. If Eevee’s claim is legitimate, that means this slot would have deliberately lied about the level of game knowledge they had and jeapordized themselves by lining up for the firesquad.

I’m not sold on Marshal being town, but I’m pretty confident that he’s not groupscum.

i mean i didn’t plan it with you specifically in mind.

but i have played with most of the playerlist and they all know and hate my reactiontests.

I guess i could file you under “newbie invest revealing” and clear you.

actually why not.

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Scribbles down notes.

Hes probably town from how stupid it was, it just make me angry why he would do it and think 12 hours is a good time

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i don’t mind waiting a long time

in VMMM my RT lasted an entire day

although that was a different kind of test i guess

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i mean it was probably 12 hours or 6.(cuz sleep)

and there’s a chance i call it at 6 if a large amount of people have come, but i also wanted the large amount of marshal-sleeping content to analyse after waking so it probably wound’t happen

I dont know the situation of ur rt, but did urs actively out the info on our invests?

Mountainous :slight_smile:


i claimed a compulsive dayvig as VT

so different scale, different test

i got killed by 2 different groupscum though so that was fun