[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

7 o clock start on my Friday. I always want to start on D1s with good reads but D1s seem to always fall on my weekend.


I think this is a game where we need to be together and huddle against the bitter cold of the night

I’m trusting Marshal, so it’s probably a cult game.

Explain kappa

this is my scum read

As I said moving on. U should also and find md reasons not to scumread you, such as finding the real scumteam

There we go… but Marshal beat me to in the posting department :confused:

Dunno what Kyle is saying, but as King I am forced to work with Neuts if need to be. (Hopefully I won’t have to.)

blood moon scares me slightly, as i could misclear. Otherwise i’m not worried

also fake quoting is illegal kyle


Just as an aside: I like your comfort level, Kyle. I have a good feeling from what I’m seeing.

given Cabalist is a convert from only one class, I don’t think it’s a naturally spawning 2nd cult

My finger slipped i swear

You have 15 minutes to randomly point your finger at someone who’s not me.
Fail this, and you will be put on trial.

Dont cult start with a random one now?

Did it specifically say that it can’t spawn as a starting Cult? :thinking:

weird that post is directed at kyle and not generally

like i think kyle is town


kyle you are cool and hawt and townie

one seems more pockety

fos on poss for the semi-pockety comment at kyle

Kyle u already have the bois swooning over you

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What does pocket mean?