[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

But does the cult leader need to kill one of their cultmates?

I will tell you how loong.

You was misdirecting discussion for 3 HOURS STRAIGHT.


the first time no, the times after that yes, but their mates might also be able to stop that kill , or kill also

marshal convince me to jail someone else

you have 5 minutes

I did reactiontest.

I decided to go for paladin as a claim looking for TMI instead of a sherrif because paladin has a form of self-protection that makes my reactiontest more believable.

I figured that if it was unseen and there was a sherrif, then they would know I was reactiontesting or at least not spoil it 3 hourst in

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Well when u realized no one was biting, why didnt u stop?

Ah ok. I thought unseen/cult just meant mafia and it was a regular mafia game. Didn’t realize how unseen/cult could be indicative of such different playstyles

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A) the type of game makes very little difference in the first 12 hours of d1

B) I created discussion

C) I was hunting for TMI.

Good job, you hunted for me.

What now?

He was “rightfully wrong”

Eh. Dunno. Don’t care.

Well only like 9 people were on.

I planned for it to be an extended reactiontest and get light reads on everyone for it

No u practicly killed discussion. Zone wouldnt give a proper king question answer, and everyone went on with their days as they beleived you.

I just wanna say, in a communistic society none of this would happen. Because we would all be in gulags. Meaning of this comment: Kyodaz was right about communist uprising

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and what do u have to show from those 9 people

Dunno what this is, but it sounds right.

Marshal how long did you plan to carry it on?

Well I assume you are softing sherrif.

And I assumed that possible sherrifs would figure that I was reactiontesting and shut until I revealed.

You know me. You shoulda known it was a reactiontest

You coulda let him derail and slam him at the EOD anyway :3

12 hours or so(whenever I woke up, which I was planning to wake up around 12 hours after SoD)