[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

No as prince cant jail his time wasting booty

Hmm true…

12 hours -_-

That morning I would reveal the test and has content to analyze and everything I found in a post.

It wouldn’t fuck with any mechanics and would help hunt for TMI

well you didnt convince me in 5 minutes

cya tonight marshal :heart:

No wait whaddya mean by this

Genuinly u ask the king to give a definite answer on what type of game it was, and cause of how early he did it and u seemed convinced gave a pretty simply not AI answer

There’s actually another, smaller world where I keep the claim for a night cycle but that’s not applicable atm

Eevee, you didn’t need to out in this situation. I would be fine if Marshal retracted his claim after twelve hours, but reactiontests are for… reactions, not claims :^)

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if he did it at EOD then prince wouldnt have time to change his jail

Well imma read over it again.

Rn on mobile so no post with quote

Hmm true our Prince may not even be on for EOD.

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Which is why I planned for 12 hours

i probably will be




Alright honestly, Marshal this seems more like a gamble. If you convinced everyone that it was a cult game, then the mastermind faction can play more into that idea and there wouldn’t be any TMI because of the fact that they wouldn’t have any cult-info to give. They might as well be a driver of the conversation and can be confused as a genuine player moving discussion. And honestly, there are way too many people that you claim should know you well enough to know this is a reactiontest that there can be a high chance that there’s a potential mafia. So they could’ve just revealed the test in scum chat.

Thank you, Eevee, very cool

Shurian, are you calling me fat?

Im just getting pissed at RT for no reason. It was just insanely stupid and shut down to me important day 1 stuff. Now we have a invest outed either way if the rt was true in the begining or not which puts us at a disadvantage, and for what reads. UHHHH im just angry