im actally just a solo Marshal
Vote Count
Votee | Voted by | Votes |
Katze | Universal | 1/9 |
Currently abstaining players | Marshal, Katze, Soulshade55r, Kai_5, Chloe, Shurian, SirDerpsALot, PoisonedSquid, Frostwolf103, Kyle20, AlexejheroYTB, Eevee, Nuclear_Rehab, Jgoesgaming, Zone_Q11 | 15 |
Please ping me if I missed a vote, or other information
probe me
I like Jake
Very interesting vote Uni.
Let’s hear your evidence.
I don’t get to probe you katze
trust me. I would love to.
Very interesting reaction, let me hear YOUR evidence
wait fol marshal sucks
Hit them with the uno reverse card
wow that’s just a personal attack
why do you care that there’s a single vote on me
we chillin
@eevee-sama banhammer time
ban reason: :^)
One person who votes must have a reason to vote the person in the village, and thus he must have another reason to surely declare his vote as such, and thus, as advocate of the town, I demand you perform the story of this vote!
Katze, Marshal, Derps, Kai - Prince
No? Okay, we can kill out of those.
Yes? Hell yea, we got prince narrowed down to this 4 boiz.
Altho the above example would be ineffective, better woudl be binary search with log(x) complexity.
im very tempted to just make my logs :^)
Nah dude
We won’t go nowhere at this rate.
ok wtf reminder to convert eevee if they claim sherrif
Ok so basically, I was going to this Chinese restaurant in NYC. It has really good chicken teriyaki. That’s when I voted for Katze
He cant claim sheriff eevee is but a prince(ss)