[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

eevee i just wanna drink punch :frowning:

fine i’ll do some more analysis

I’m locktowning marsh but uh conversion so /shrug

Locktown for like… the next 20 hours


Yea dont u know
Me and Katze converting Marshal tonight

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Do it I dare you

i would love that scumteam but no

why not

/vote shurian

IK theirs no lynch

okay enough procrastination more analysis.

because i dont wanna

I veto no day 1 lynch.

I’m curious if I can veto it enough for it to happen.

I’v already forgotten my class

Does King still have chat thing

back to analysing reactions to my reacitontest being revealed by eevee

potential TMI but it’s weak and this post isn’t about that.

disdain for my reactiontesty playstyle

again focusing on my reactiontesting playstle.

conclusions so far

dat NAI
katze NAI.

whoever i arbitrarily choose next better be spicier

@Zone_Q11 add me and some other locktown to royal chat I have some important info

so nothing AI for two people, strange but maybe he gets better

ooh sweet i want in

My computer is not gay.

Interesting tell us more

ok this one might be spicier. I didn’t find any disdain for my playstle in posts before my reveal.

shuri goes anti-me as soon as the reveal hits. buuuuuuuut later flips around

basically i can’t find what shurian’s read on me is.

Im getting two ideas from this slot: town interested in solving me, or scum subconciously wanting to shade me but keeping it stoic on the surface.

gut says the former.


dat NAI
kat NAI
shuri Townlean