[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 (Push-ups)

Wdym? That playerlist is the same as Arete’s? BD have 12 Rando BD.

Then why is it wrong? :confused:

There’s that random Unseen / Cult added slot, is that why you think something aint right?

Wait it sctually is here tf

Wait okay lul I’ve confused myself too
rn in the OP it’s 2 starting cultseen
Wazza thinks it should be 3 starting cultseen
Am I right?

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I know, you guys just corrupted me. Plus ToL isn’t mobile :cold_sweat:

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Wait… if we might start with 3 cultseen, what’s the actual limit of cultseen?

In other words, it disappeared!

I wanna see d2 4 member cult

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No bad, I would prefer have cooldown active.

Shhh I said “D3 majority” not “D2 majority” :eyes: you make it worse

I just thought 3 starting cultseen was tested in an EFoL/SFoL and was rejected afterwards

18 players but still only 2 potential neuts? Boooooo

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Easy. Claim neutral. You’re confirmed.

Right, even I wouldn’t have random scum slot in my SFoL game I planned.

You mean one can be either neut or BD while there’s guaranteed non-killing neutral and neutral killer?

I think Possessed means, we have 1-2 neutrals even with 18 players
while we have 2-3 neuts in a 16 player tol game
It’s a bit paradox

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No I added that.

What are you guys on about?


According to your quote it looks like 1 guarantee 1 potential. I think 2 guaranteed would be fun!

I don’t wanna argue… I just say, even I see that adding a BD and a starting Cultseen is making the game hella scumlean


That will make it unclaimable