[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Oh, Ami is outed wolf and Possessed also knows this.

/vote Ami

By the way guys, I’m actually BD. This is not a meme or drill. I’ll explain when more people get online.

Oh god Vulgard why?

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Emilia, Ami, sulit, PoisonedSquid, darth_tabor 5/10
Ami Vulgard 1/10
Amelia Jgoesgaming 1/10
Wazza Universal, Arete, Marshal, Napoleon, Amelia 5/10
SirDerpsAlot Possessed, Magnus 2/10
Currently Abstaining Wazza, AlexejheroYTB, SirDerpsAlot, Chloe 4

Ping my daugther if I missed any votes :upside_down_face:

Actually, might as well say it right now.

Okay guys. I think enough time has passed for me to reveal my true colors.

The Observer

D1 - Little Bird Emilia. Left her room. No visitors. Figured it was a good enough target to be watched because of her strong V status yesterday.
N1 - Stalked Ami. Ami visted Darth. No nightkill :eyes:

This is not a fakeclaim. I fakeclaimed Mercenary to gather a bunch of reactions. I was wondering who would want me dead and who wouldn’t, among other things. I figured that it would be extra effective if I threw some crumbs before fakeclaiming – and also because I’ve never FPSed like this before. Unfortunately I got bled for it, which is why my frustration closer to EoD was genuine. I can refer to posts if you need me to.

That said, I also got some interesting stuff as a result. Namely, Ami was being oddly friendly with me – probably thinking I was the legitimate Mercenary and wouldn’t care. So I followed her, and look where that got me.

We have a probable wolf here, or the NK. Remember the fact there was no nightkill. I suspect that Magnus unintentionally saved Darth. Besides, I seem to recall Ami claiming a different target of her night action. Different from my investigative result :confused:

I had no idea if I should out this now, but now that I know Darth was jailed (and because I thought Ami was wolfy before), Ami’s killer equity went way up.

Side note: Derps’ check on me is legit, whether he’s V or not. I’m honestly not sure if he’s V, but he feels more like his LotR self (where he was V), so he’s off my hook right now. I denied the check because I still wanted to keep up the fakeclaim.

Anyway, Ami is probably a wolf.

Please heal me tonight if you haven’t already.

Also, all of my pushes on Marshal were test pushes. I tried to figure out if he was wolf or village (and his convert equity) based on his responses. I was also wondering if wolves would jump on the lynch train. I generally liked what I saw from Marshal. I think he’s in his village meta, if the BD tell from before (when he talked about Poacher and other Unseen converts despite Paladin claims existing) was not enough.

Can we kill Ami?

@sulit @Marshal @Arete @Emilia @Universal @Magnus @Napoleon

My V reads, hopefully there’s no convert among you. I have reservations about the Chloe wagon. And no, this is not Merc protecting his target. There were no contracts to begin with. First time I tried FPSing… hopefully it wasn’t detrimental?

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okay I don’t believe this like at all but I’m checking something with the hosts to figure out how much I don’t believe this

I think we might be checking the same thing.

“Ami wouldn’t be able to visit Darth because Darth was jailed, therefore the result is false.”
It’s still the result I got. I questioned this myself, but I guess it’s a valid result?

Well, that is what I was thinking.

That is also what I was thinking

if this were ToL your logs would be wrong but this isn’t ToL

I honestly have no idea how the result is possible, but there’s no reason why I’d claim an objectively impossible result.

That’s also why I was hesitant to end the FPS, because I thought sticking to the Merc claim could potentially be better. My result would be immediately met with suspicion and that’d be bad.

But then I realized nobody would ever heal me if I kept claiming Merc. Besides, people have probably had enough of listening to me from a neutral POV. I noticed my reads and pushes going completely ignored because of the claim, so I had to end the theatre.

If you’re a Merc who’s dying to bleed tonight it makes sense

If you’re scum claiming Merc who’s dying to bleed tonight it makes a lot of sense


Why would I claim an impossible result instead of something that’s actually possible, like Ami visiting, I don’t know, Magnus?

Oh, I see.

I mean, I’m going to let the hosts respond to me before I pass judgment on that?

I’m literally just digging my own grave here if I’m a wolf because everyone can disprove the result. And that’s despite the fact I wasn’t the lynch target, and despite the fact I probably wouldn’t be visited because I’m dying to bleed.

I mean, sure, ask the hosts. I can read my results and that’s what I got.

Arcane Empower (Day) - The player that you target with your ability tonight will bypass immunities (discounting conversion immunity) and be guaranteed to succeed with their actions. Their investigative abilities will always receive correct results. - 2 uses.

Maybe that would work?

I honestly have no clue and I did think about this overnight. But I can’t just ignore that coupled with the fact there was no nightkill.

Ami could’ve been empowered, but 1. why and 2. that’d mean I’m wrong about them being a killing class.

No clue if another option exists, but that’s literally the only thing I can think of.

…Actually that might be exactly what happened. Empowered Ami can visit jailed targets.
No clue why she would lie about her target if BD though?

I really should stop posting.