[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

I suppose panic was the wrong choice of word. I meant something along the lines of a last-ditch effort to live. You don’t lose if you die, but the longer you are alive, the longer your contracts would live theoretically. If you have nothing to lose- why not try something crazy to get a heal

Okay, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be scum. Cult Leader usually converts N1 and the other Cult don’t kill their target.

That’s also true.

Okay, fair point, but still.

hi Alex.

I think it’s best to just wait for Ami, see what they have to say?

Good morning everyone.
Nice to see that no one has voted me yet.

My class is easily confirmable, you do not need to worry about me or send me a list of questions that I need to reply to since our timezones might be different.

That good enough? @Magnus :slight_smile:

Let me catch up on everything now.

**/vote AlexejheroYTB

Not anymore.

Oh… Alex is probably BD, although there is still one Cult class he could be.

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/vote AlexejheroYTB

I won’t need to reveal my class.

That might look weird from other people’s PoV, and might force me to reveal my class. Nevertheless, I won’t do that unless magnus asks me.

Wanna join the massclaim party? :hypers:

Yeah, I know. I might’ve said too much.

it’s really obvious

I don’t know what you mean by too much?

and also means Darth is way less clear than I thought she was

Please explain

Yeah, thought so. Sorry Alex I think I outed you.

I think Arete also though Darth was your class.