[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Anyways Marshal and Magnus are my currently selected Allies targets. This is subject to change :slight_smile:

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I really want to sleep but I don’t


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Their names are too similar I had to read it three times to realize there was two people

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im good with that

i’ve been in an allies chat in every FoL since it’s inception

But… but…
I guess I won’t jail Marshal.

Who said that possessed was town because they were laid back

I had a lightbulb moment

but not trustworthy enough for you top posters chat?

someone did

i think i tinfoiled possessed was on crack

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Derps said scum!possessed bc they were too laid back

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That feels so much like tmi to me

Then again we all know what will happen to vulgard

I did a brainthink

I think Vulgard is evil neutral actually.

eh vulgod bleeds out tommorow night anyways and so im not afraid of him rly

Yeah fair I thought it was someone else that said it

he’s obviously not town from his posts

even minus the neut claim

he isnt town

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Yeah that’s for sure.