[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

So we let him bleed out

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If he were an evil neutral, could he be dangerous under any circumstances?


and we praise emilihja

Also consider a possibility where he isn’t actually bleeding. Maybe he’s fool or some shit.


sellswrod makes occ immunity not work for BD iirc

but thats not that important

emilia claimed the bleed so unless scumbuds i doubt

Emilia seems pretty townie to me

Ah ok good that makes things better

emilia is 95% town 4 sure

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Warlock would be worse because lolcarnage but I’m not really feeling WL!Vul as a world

specifically I think him claiming exactly Merc in response to the bleed makes it very likely to be true

Why do you think that? Merc is on the more benign side of the neutral spectrum and if he wanted a heal, that would be his best bet.

Can someone iso squid and tell me what they think of it need to confirm I’m not crazy

but it’s also a neut

so claiming it basically guarantees he won’t be healed

He had claimed neutral before. Wasn’t that why he was bled?

she seems kinda mechanically focused?

He soft claimed neut

@sulit it contains nada

but this post

Which is a “take” so inheretly antitown

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Specifically their last couple posts

And basically adamantly refused to disclose his real class
