[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

don’t bully the VCBots :frowning:

Vcbot is cute

If we do end up lynching Jgoes today, I believe that having arete occupy chloe and jailing Wazza would be good.

That sounds fine to me. Though I would much rather be able to use my abilities - I understand the logic behind occing me

Jgoes claimed a BD class, you know. I can’t remember what it is, but I believed it at the time.

At the same time, sulit claims they have a mech lewd on Jgoes

Mech lewd gachi

Derp and Alexej are pretty quiet too.

… lewd
Seriously me

mech lewd? That’s not making me want to lynch Jgoes anymore.

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You all know what I meant >_>

I really don’t.
I never have autocorrect issues.

Wasn’t even autocorrect, I just accidentally hit w

Incoming wallpost

Brace yourselves.

Mech led? What does that mean?

We must attack to save ourselves!

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I meant mech lead :unamused:

If you want to stop the wallpost from coming, you don’t attack the wallpost, you attack Arete. This is called flanking.

Arete is cute

On three, everyone target arete!