[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

I want to remind y’all that I already selected my potion when I thought Wazza was going to be hammered (I don’t think I can change it? I can ask I suppose?). Not outting what that selection is - but wanted to remind y’all. Don’t go asking me to change last minute because I don’t even think I can.

Nevertheless. I selected one of two potions that would be able to confirm me - and will select a good target from people I view as scum or possible scum

i picked stoneskin potion

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I hope your judgement is right, for all of our sakes lmao.

Same, man

Ok not bad, not bad.


for mechanical reasons please jail Vul

and please confirm whether you have done so

if Magnus doesn’t confirm I’m going for the occupy and hoping Cult doesn’t have a Ritualist :upside_down_face:

Why would I waste a jail?

Because if they have a Ritualist, Cult could use their abilities to prevent me from occing him (since Butler is occupy immune but not prevention immune) and thus allow CL!Vul to get a conversion or Eradicate off

However, if you jail him, then there’s no way for him to act while jailed, so that’s not a risk any more (making it not a waste)

Also I think Possessed is probably legitimate here and so it’s better if he’s not in jail so that he can get results

I’m positive someone said that you got SFed.

Also, Amelia can still be telling the truth without me lying; she could’ve been blocked or redirected. I’m honestly not sure. Thunderdoming me there is silly from a W perspective, which is probably the best argument in Amelia’s favor.

Eh I think I agree with Arete here - though my opinion probably doesn’t make a huge impact. There aren’t many more people who need to claim, and those few people have definitely softed. If anything, tonight you would just be getting n1 results and read-lists from whomever you jail. Vul did try a very high risk strategy of claiming Obs with iffy logs, but it would have a high reward in that if he were trusted, he would be healed.

I can definitely see why this could come from a Cult Leader desperately trying to get a heal at the last minute, when his Merc claim went haywire and he was bled by a Hunter. It wouldn’t be a waste to jail Vul in my opinion. Everyone else has a “job” tonight anyways.

I can’t find the post, because it said “SF” and that’s not a valid search term. Regardless, I read that and I figured “welp, it is probably being said for a reason, Arete is safe from conversion.”

So no, I didn’t “scumslip.” Scumslips fake.

Also, why would I say that Arete was specifically SFed if I didn’t see it said in thread and taken for granted? If I’m wolf, there’s a dozen reasons why my hypothetical conversion on Arete could’ve failed; I would have no reason to claim it

…was an ability I have no info about and which I can’t guess.

Thanks for hitting the reply button too soon.

Oh wait. That was Vulgard.

Also, more importantly, why would I ever bring up Arete being conversion immune if I failed a conversion on them. I’ve been villa reading them all day, there’s no reason to try and discredit them. And also, it’s such an obvious slip if so. Don’t you think that while writing a wallpost, I would actually think about what I’m saying?

My point is: Amelia’s contrary result does not render my claim impossible, because there are other possibilities for why that could be the case. It just makes my claim less likely to be true, but since it was considered unlikely to begin with, it should be whatever.

I honestly have no reason to care if I get occed or not, since I die tonight anyway – I just wanted to clear that up.

Also, Possessed claiming Observer is interesting because I don’t think he’s been playing like one, but what do I know.




hi yes you can change

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