[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

If I were wolfing, I’d probably kill someone like Chloe or Napoleon.

I’m thinking NK is exactly Demon who bypassed on katze, hoping to kill a few investigatives who would be visiting katze n1. Katze was an investigative magnet because of the nature of her play.

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I’m having a hard time understanding why any scum would attack kat in the first place. Sure it could be to dodge healers/protectives but like… why kat??? They didn’t push anyone, they didn’t ubertownread anyone. I don’t get it

Thats a good theory - on demon

As Demon you kinda want to multikill from the start, and attacking katze wasn’t a terrible idea. I would’ve probably attacked Alice, but that’s a greater risk.

I do have another theory, but I don’t want it to be true and I should probably wait before I talk about it.

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Yeah, I’d expected someone like me/Vulgard/Nap/Italy or even you to be killed overnight. It’s basically why I’ve been spending so much time on a NKA as the Katze kill came out of the left field.

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So obviously assuming it’s demon game, their objective to kill multiple investigatives failed.

Let me guess, our reads are completely off-the mark, right?

This sounds interesting if you don’t want to out it right now.

There is the possibility that we have a drunk or tavernkeeper that was converted and isnt outting a swap? Its a longshot tho
And most nks are redirect immune

Most Nks got buffed. Guess which one we’re talking about happens to be both occupy and redirect immune? The Demon!

Well it’s quite likely at least a few of our reads are completely off base. Only question is which ones if any are off?

Bottom line is, my take is that it makes little sense for groupscum to kill Katze there, unless… yeah, my mouth is sealed.
It’s mech shit. Not mech info I have, but something that occurred to me.

From the way @Gypyx isn’t doing anything, he is probably EK resigning himself to dying by bleed.

Chloe, be quiet about it pls. I think you might figure it out.

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Curiosity killed the katze

Yep yep

I’m going to out it before EoD if nobody does it before me and I don’t like the way things are going.

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…you mean a Possessor threw Katze at me and I beared?

No. Also, I kinda don’t buy your Hunter claim, since you said you only claimed killer because you wanted to nail Braixen.
Not that it matters, I still TR you, but yep.