[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win


Where did alice go?

Yo yo
gimme some shit



okay dude you must be the real priest cuz you hella channelinā€™ ami rn

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bro gimme some shit kat said

i miss my sister
i just wanna hear her voice

also im like 82% sure ami mentioned this song and quite possibly spammed what i just just said so uh if alice gets it i might just cry

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Also I got confirmation

If assassin uses Distract and is executed in the same day - the occupy DOES go through

So like, lynching Alice donā€™t matter

But keep in mind that if they Day Occ Italy and Both MM and Assa are not jailed, its unlikely we will be able to occupy them cuz they definitely have some funky MM abil shit

But we can do our best

we gotta rely mostly on wifom protection shit tho

if alice gets this i think i might just cry and either give up or just do a full on fucking 12000 post reread

the song name?

cant she just google the lyrics now since you said them?

ā€¦Priest only has access to dead chat at nightā€¦

What did my big sis say to me

I know she misses me

maybe but i think they cryptic enough

what names did she call me

she calls me mean shit

alright but like did she mention a certain song?

i feel like she really would here

I think itā€™s safe to assume that neither of us are getting an answer lmfao

i mean if she did it would be obvious

but maybe not since itā€™s a common word

so im dropping enough hints so that she might understand

but google wouldnā€™t just flat out work IMO

Why canā€™t I see the top posters anymore D:

cuz we hit 10k?

if she somehow gets this sheā€™s either a secret kanye stan or just actually telling the truth