[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

If he really no-actioned last night then I will be unironically pissed

It feels like he was converted and heā€™s staying quiet because he has 0 excuses for anything.

Did DatBird exhume yesterday?

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For SE to be NK, theyā€™d have had to hit Squid N1. This I doubt.

I donā€™t think that slot is a starting wolf or a n1 convert, but anything after that is fair game. Not sure why they wouldnā€™t convert someone whoā€™s actually playing the game, thoughā€¦?
If someone like Possessed is converted, I wonā€™t even be that surprised.

No as I was unsure who and asked like 6 times, can today

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Also the breakdown after killing Ami was very genuine

I mean, this is why I donā€™t think they were not V as of d2. Anything after that is fair game. Couldā€™ve been n2 or n3 convert.

Actually if Chloe is NK then itā€™s super likely they tried to convert her n1 and failed.

Iā€™m in the same boat with Snake as I was with Squid

low content, bad actions, null/scumread

But I absolutely and completely doubt that he is starting scum

I think they hit my party n2

If u want me to exhume give me a Name

derps maybe

any objections, if not gonna do it in two minutes

would see if they used 2f1 as we have an exhume on folaccount already


Also - as anyone could be the pity convert, I asked in allies chat for Italy to only listen to the jail target suggested by Nappy, as he is the only other locktown - even if its me, whatever

@ChopChop give us your action bro

Possessed was jailed, so that wouldā€™ve been a failed convert either way. Couldā€™ve been attempted n2 or n3, but he was definitely starting BD and also BD on day 2.

I was an incorrect villager, so I guess converting me wouldā€™ve been fine, but I also hard outed Alice later (in a weird way that i think makes me not a wolf because if I were bussing I would just go all in) and I feel like that makes me BD as of d3.

Alice said DryBones had a polarizing meta and a player like that makes for a bad convert. Alice was on the starting wolfteam. She wouldā€™ve discouraged converting him. She also told me in Allies chat n1 that she read DryBones as exactly Demon, soā€¦ yeah, this isnā€™t someone sheā€™s advocating to convert.

EVO probably wouldnā€™t be bad to convert n1, but he was also floating early, so he ate plenty of wolfreads. Interestingly, Alice didnā€™t mention him at all in our n1 Allies chat ā€“ not one mention. I feel like that indicates a possible convert here despite the fact he was wolfread. At the same time, though, I feel like his content really improved on day 2, and that would be weird because itā€™d mean he started playing properly after he stopped being a villager. Doesnā€™t seem to make much sense.

Alice didnā€™t like CRich in our Allies chat, and he also had a villagery day 2. No way he was converted night 1. Definitely clear as of day 2.

Chloe is another person Alice didnā€™t mention whatsoever in our N1 Allies chat discussion. However, she also later said that Chloe was NK. I donā€™t think she ever does that shit to a partner, wouldnā€™t make much sense to bus the convert there, especially since Chloe was villagery and generally townread. Then again, Alice was also super townread until somebody hacked her account and made her openwolf, soā€¦ yeah.

Italy and Napoleon are off the radar because Napoleon had an extremely villagery d2, which was out of his wolfrange, and Italy is the Prince.

Based on this analysis I feel like EVO/DatBird is actually the most likely n1 convert. Alice openwolfing is one thing, but Alice openwolfing and bussing another townread partner by calling them specifically Reaper who she attacked at night?? ā€¦Yeah, that doesnā€™t hold.

This means DatBird is now Assassin, Alice is MM, and we need to find the third.

Why would i bus squid and Alice yesterday if I was convert?