[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

It got canceled by Vulgard though

So the safe people were:

  • Vulgard
  • DryBones (2x)

Who was jailed N3, and who did Possessed heal?

Nobody was jailed since they used day occ on Italy

Possessed healed dat, pretty sure

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Alice was jailed but probably not jailed based on MM ability

It absolutely does make sense that they would go for confirmed cw though

Court Wizard is a very very powerful class, especially lategame with another ice ward

ā€¦? Why would Marshal day occ Italy?

Marshal didnt, Alice did

Well squid did

Assassin has Distract and MM has Dose

Butā€¦ if Alice used day occ, wouldnā€™t that mean that they canā€™t occ again Today?
Then why are we lynching her instead of literally anyone else?

One of em did

Oh so it could have been either

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They have a new use of Dose since she got promoted last night

Soā€¦ three people were safe. For 2f1 to miss instead of hitting Chloe, the US must have hit 1 of these people. ā€¦huh. Funny. Two of the three are suspects of being NK / Assa.

Just to be sure, when did Vulgard claim CW?

Wait a minuteā€¦ if Alice is new MM, and there is a new Assaā€¦
ā€“wait, nevermind. Apparently Assaā€™s day occ is shared.

He claimed it yesterday

Gah. Why is the King unable to literally dayvig or simply normally kill people at night?
This is making me think so muchā€¦

@Vulgard, did you happen to post your logs as well?

Which would imply Dat isnā€™t unseen and Snake is. Not sure about that.

you have grand trial, thats usually like a kill, but not really needed for today as Alice needs to be lynched to stop conversion


Iā€™m not sure it works like that