[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win


am i not good enough for you
do you have people BETTER to stab than the PRINCE, the MOST POWERFUL BLUE DRAGON MEMBER?

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On the contrary

You provide a great WiFoM slot by existing

hOw hAs PriNcE noT DiEd yeT!!!

well honey lemme tell you a little somthin

Prince is still extremely powerful simply for being a confirmed town slot

King could totally not guard you because scum believe youā€™ll be protected. I donā€™t need to actually heal you because scum believe youā€™ll be protected.

I didnā€™t heal you all game. I didnā€™t need to.


Italy being that Prince?
Thatā€™s questionable

prince is a unique self confirming BD killer and i believe is the only class to use prevention mechanics, which bypass all forms of occupy immunity

cw exists

sellsword exists

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i donā€™t think sellsword can beat prevention
but arcane empower is like
the exception
and maybe enforcer i donā€™t know how it works in fol

stonewall is prevention

ice ward is prevention

i thought you meant classes that could go through it

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if tolfm wasnā€™t a good enough indicator
i canā€™t fucking read

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Dude this game would have been over like 2 days ago if it were cult


You know, my first mention of Alice was ā€œyou should never TR her slot because sheā€™s trickyā€ and absolutely zero people listened.

I just want to bring this up since were twiddling thumbs.

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4th post of mine and 100% truth

dude looking back at my iso reads from d1 i had some
absolutely shitty reads

Very similarly to Vul - Alice is an extremely powerful townleader, however, they are also a good powerwolf from what I have heard. Alice has provided ample content, and even made me view people and interactions from a different perspective - for this reason, I am inclined to believe they are town. I think that if this is somehow groupscum, DryBones is not their scumbuddy as they have been pointing out their wolf-meta more than anyone else, and honestly, none of us would have known about DryBonesā€™ wolf-meta if not for her.

this didnt age well

You were almost there with that read too!!
