[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

I’m confirmed not NK because I outed Alice, and I’m confirmed V as of D3 because of the way I outed Alice. I absolutely should be dead right now. I don’t even have the advantage of protecting myself like Possessed does, and I’m a powerful protective class. And yet… yeah.

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Exactly this. He could have killed someone (or went to kill someone) and just claim he hit Dat. This could still be true though.

Is Reaper’s mod stronger than CW’s Ice Ward?

I’m shocked that the open killer didn’t go for you. Shocked. You’re a free kill.

Snake not killing Dat suggests he was either blocked and we don’t know about it, or they are wolves together and Chloe isn’t NK (unlikely because someone would be dead rn, Archer can carry out Assassin’s kills which is super useful in situations like this one + Snake wasn’t being occupied by anyone), or he’s just a dumbass villager who didn’t submit a night action again (would piss me off tbh).

Or he hit King/Me.

I mean, theoretically I could be N3 convert and I’m fooling you all, but if DryBones is real then it’s mechanically impossible for that to be the case.


There’d be no reason to hit you, so I think NK & Assa hit me. …why though? Do we even have another coronation after I die?

Like if I’m Snake and I’m solo assassin, I hit someone and claim I “attacked Dat”.

King would be a decent target. The problem is that there would still be a King election and we’d just elect Italy or me.

@Arete, do I have to ask this in PM?

So, uh. It just doesn’t do anything. In fact, it’d give me a way to give myself protection, which is not what you want to happen if you’re a wolf here, probably. Unless I’m potatoing.

There would? How many players is the minimum for an election to be hold?

There’s good reason to hit both of us. If you claimed to be healing Italy, who do you think I’d be healing? You. That’s the thought process I had…that they’d think I’m healing you last night and be open, so I self cared.

Mechanical questions are best asked in pm

(yes I’m basically another cohost)

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It’s possible I laid enough WIFOM to make the wolves not kill me, but still. Weird shit has been happening this game.

Be safeguarding Italy

No, you see; Chloe or Italy already said to Ice Ward me D4, so nobody should be attacking me N4. I thought Vulgard could go for Italy in my stead though… which -again- would actually require communication. (Sorry.)

Its definitely odd. There’s little chance anyone protects you at this point in the game.

I should note that the only thing I can do from now on is barrier people and it doesn’t do anything against nightkills.