[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

can’t touch this

i’m 100% sure somebody hit a save last night or assassin was occupied because wtf


italy what did you do

got RoSed because chloe selfhammered before i could pick a target

are you kidding me

it appears that it didn’t matter but wow

italy you are the biggest meme in this game and it’s only like 5% your fault because loldayocc

i feel like most of you don’t know what RoS means and are just rolling with it

This is why what Zone did was stupid

also i think that dat is definitely BD here

poss who did you save

@ChopChop who did you occ

what gives you that impression
you were nonexistent yesterday so i don’t really know

However, I’m 99% sure you would have jailed Dry so.

@ChopChop who u occ

i have a reasoning but i have this bad habit of leaving the important parts out of the first post so i can keep you in suspense

dry is mostly clear in my book tbh

You kek

villagery post i think italy is a villager

of course
interesting maneuver

because dat was in allied chat and zone said he was just going to self guard and i made it clear that i needed protectives
so considering one of us two were most likely attacked last night, it would mean that either dat is insane and tried to shiv people he knew were protected
or is good