[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

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why do people claim when i tell them to claim


@N.1 when you see this, we need your claim

Yikes that escalated fast.

like wtf

im always mostly joking but people do it anyways

It was obvious he was seriousā€¦

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Then again it could also be down to being someone who does what they claim to do.

marshal has lost 1.5 townpoints

i thought he was being ironic

ā€¦not in FoL. Thereā€™s less feedback here so itā€™s harder to solve the game with mechanics.

but iā€™ve gained 1/5 gaimer points

His previous posts of saying that there were two proper Prince claims was serious too

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eh idrc i still think that was a gamer moment

but also lol5killers :weary:

i claim vanilla town

I think CRichard may not groupscum. Heā€™s way too oblivious to the gamestate so this would make his only partner N, and I donā€™t think heā€™d start out the match shading N like this.

how much you wanna bet an assa/acolyte has already claimed a killer class

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game too ez

idea: everybody target the person above them

including MM/CL.

do it u wont

How many killer claims do we have so far?

i cant convert the king

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