[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Do you have any idea WHY these posts look bad? You are deflecting my argument to make it look like because I’m scum reading you that I’m tunneling you. That’s not the case; I’ve funneled Marshal a lot heavier this game but I’m willing to back off him for a bit.

I’ve JUST SAID IT. Your posts are akin to noob wolves. Are you reading what I’m posting or are you just trying to deflect everything as “poss bad reads poss tunnel me”?

If you want me to tunnel you so badly just ask. You’re definitely on your way with the deflecting technique you’re exhibiting.

It’s not deflection. I’m pointing out that it is tunnelling. Yet when I point it out, a word doesn’t get through.

Do tell how I’m supposed to solve the game D1?

Then you need to find out the definition of those two words.

Just because I can’t find a townie post you’ve made to show you how town is supposed to look doesn’t mean I’m tunneling. I’m making an observation on your posts. That observation is that they are wolfy. Just because you don’t think they are doesn’t mean you control the narrative on them.

Perhaps I should mention that my experience with ToL may make me suspicious as it’s clear that FoL is similar yet not the same as ToL.

That’s fine, just be aware that your posts look bad.

In ToL, bleeding players to divert healers is a known tactic right? So why not here in FoL?

I’m not burying you quite yet. Observe how to make proper assessments on the situation and think before you hit the blue reply button and I might change my mind.

I think Possessed thinks I make wolfy because I’m using my ToL experience when perhaps it’s a case of square peg in round hole.

It is still an option here, but not on a King. Kings won’t be healed here due to scum signaling and scum alibi.

Like I said, if the idea was to divert healers…you gotta bleed a towncored player like Alice.

I feel like I’m pretty seasoned in scum logic. In the event this bleed is real, if there is ANY logic to this…

…it was an attempt to get the guaranteed kill. Alice says Luxy was bled early and before making reads, so the scum team are likely going to try and convert a towncored player tonight and have them slip in to become King. At that point they control the court and its GG.

Players I could see being Converted:
Alice, obviously
Marshal if he’s town (I still scumread but in the event in wrong he’d be a juicy convert)

Those top 3 are this games “power players” so far. They are pushing the pace and controlling the narrative, namely Marshal. Napoleon is just a heavy townread.

The only question is would the Cult/Unseen be willing to bleed their own potential ally on the throne so that one of their own can become King? As I said before I don’t think Cult would use their only bleed on the King. The Unseen on the other hand I can see that happening as the starting Assassin would have 2 bleeds remaining supposed it was Assassin who bled Luxy.

Also what bothers me is why of all possible targets it was Luxy who was bled, not anyone else?

If its real, and there’s a reason to it…there’s only one explanation:

So in case Luxy does die, should we be more worried of having a Psychopathic King or Evil King? I’d be thinking we might have a possible Psychopathic King so they can’t be jailed by Prince and can kill with impunity unless executed in the day or poisoned by the Butler.