[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Bring back acolyte

now look how unseen-sided it is.

It isn’t

You have literally zero evidence for this

Did you read the change?

A single unseen game hasn’t been completed yet

One of the only classes where there is an argument for selecting either of the Night Abilities - Court Wizard has a selection of abilities that are extremely useful when usable by evils.
First off, Arcane Empower allows Assassin to bypass not only passive death immunity, but given death immunity as well, such as from Good King’s Guard or Hunter’s Bear. This could also allow an Alcoholic/Plaguebearer/Poacher/Sage/Servant/Wench to bypass occupation and redirection immunity for two nights - which is precisely what was trying to be avoided when removing half of Sellsword’s passive.
Second is Magical Barrier. Though this choice could be seen as worse than Ice Ward, it has infinite charges, which means it can be useful throughout the entire game. I am still waiting for confirmation on what specifically counts as a negative effect, but assuming I’m right, this would allow an Assassin or convert to be redirection and occupation immune for as long as you exist. Jeez.
Last but not least comes Ice Ward. Who needs an Enforcer when you, the Mastermind, can prevent all visits to your fellow Unseen member? You can also block heals on bleeds with this.

Tavernkeeper has a kit that is extremely useful for Unseen - especially after discovering the Prince, or after they are outted. Being able to day-occupy the Prince is extremely powerful. Along with this, you can pull infinite ToL-Rit swaps (FoL Invoker), by swapping an important Blue Dragon with someone else, and attacking that someone else, thus getting an almost confirmed kill on said Blue Dragon.

Being able to Inoculate and chainheal your assassin is very good. Perhaps not as powerful as extra killpower or aiding your assassin’s kills, but it is still a very strong combination.

These are the three classes I believe MM will choose from

I made the change

I think Possessed didn’t like me pointing out "You got me, im the idiot that bled you

mE cAvEmAn Me No KnOw HoW pLaY sCum". That is an actual post.

chloe is town

Well Geyde made it and I agreed to it

mmmm I love an unstoppable, unkillable Assassin

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Also ignore the “extra killpower” portion. This is directly from my feedback post before they removed selecting killer abilities


I distinctly remember seeing him in your PoE. Why back off it?

Almost like lynching exists and we need more strongman effects to stop the prince open claiming

You can not say that this was your intention for the MM change.

PoE =/= scumread. And he was at the top of my PoE(furthest from nullcore) so i consider him more of a nullread then scumlean

You can physically not say that we need “Strongman” kills on N1.

The intention was to reduce mechanical confirmation

Well that observation you made was kind of like, “Ok, what’s your point? Obviously I’m joking” on my end.

Because day 1 invincible prince open claim is good for the game