[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

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ā€¦Dat is everything ok


why would you even say that

what good does that do

Isnā€™t that a waste of time since youā€™re bleeding?

Cheese, can you just lolcat or muster up a fakeclaim already?

i mean
i can hardclaim
donā€™t know what it would do other than ā€œamelia wrongā€

Iā€™m annoyed at the events that have transpired.

Iā€™ll get over it eventually. :slight_smile:

Sigh, so yeah. At least looks like Amelia is sticking with her red check. What I posted in my previous post still holds true, except Marshal goes to the towncore because lolmystic.

Stop stalling or Iā€™ll change my mind with trusting Amelia

Which events in particular? Shall we talk about them?

we have two hardclaims

no, we will not talk about them

I want to be in allies with @CRichard564

iā€™m linking @ChopChop tonight.

donā€™t you love allies being a 4-person neighborhood


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Me and Alice in Chat with Jane make sure to tell jane that.

The whole awful ā€œlol, Iā€™m sheriffā€ RT from the dude I flirted S/S on N1 is very fun.

Anyway, since itā€™s not obvious enough, Princess katze here, gimme the heals.

Or let me bleed, at this point I donā€™t know which I prefer.

I have semi-important information to out, though. Iā€™d rather you link me.

im going to say

I hate those choices

but you do you I guess

I think itā€™s better if I link you tonight, and me and Crichard are in allies



lolcat for my sanity, or at least go out fighting.

You probably donā€™t need to flirt me to figure out what I am then.

Iā€™m using the other ability tonight anyway.