[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

I mean, it can be a coincidence.

Town don’t know who they’re voting with.

Not saying to entirely drop your suspicions, but there’s overlap in the actions between a wolf and a wrong townie at times.

@Marshal Let me know if you’re awake before day ends.

I actually already made a list. Cheese is on said list, so him being a cultist probably means that he was who bled me?

Although if he’s a starting Invoker, maybe the Cult Leader is on my list :eyes:

I… kinda have a hunch on who the other starting Cult is, but I’m keeping my mouth shut for now. For reasons.

aren’t CL the only cult that can bleed?

CL is the primary one who can bleed, although Acolytes also have a one time bleed.

You also have Demon who has 1 use bleed, although it’s no use to discuss what kind of NK we’re encountering since no one died.

Well except I don’t think there is any world where this is simply a coincidence.
TBE was acting town as I remember him from previous game, then his personality changed D2.
If there was N1 conversion, it can only be TBE.

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I think TBE should be the one who gets executed D3 if he hasn’t proven himself by then.

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Yeah, I’m not completely disregarding that possibility.

Although the reason I presume I was bled would make a lot less sense from a Demon than from groupscum.

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Yeah, I do believe you can’t be cult nor converted if you are bled by Acolyte while the Cult Leader is converting N1, why would you assume ClonedCheese is Invoker?

Claimed tavernkeeper, threatened Mystic with dayocc


Lolcatting as starter or converted, but that wouldn’t make TBE the converted BD now does it?

Anyway unless TBE proves himself tomorrow, I promise you he isn’t living long in this game, even if that’s the last thing I do this game.

TBE if you’re reading this, you either prove you are still BD or die. That’s the only choice I’m giving you.

I know you’re there @TheBlueElixir. Come out and talk to me if you dare.

This thread is dead enough that I wouldn’t mind talking to TBE now, even though as far as I’m concerned he is 100% cult.

I have to go to bed now. I really hope @TheBlueElixir is town and this is all a big misunderstanding on my part. I apologise to TBE if that’s the case.

Uuuuh what?
I’m saying that if the lynch flips BD, it is dumb.

I am going to bed

@Geyde @napoleon @DatBird VC

Ah you’re here Merc. At least there is someone to talk to.