[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

i’m converted

amelia should cleanse and TF me


If Mystic/Apostle wants to know my 2nd contract, they’re free to link me for it.

Until then, I still townread them a decent bit so I’m just an honorary member of the Blue Dragon as far as I’m concerned.


I was trying to figure out if she was actual Paladin, or Scorned that had disguised cloned as SS (which was a possibility that had explicitly been brought up in the event of a SS flip, also a couple things about cloned’s behavior near EoD seemed non-sellsword-y)

since I’d already FPSed as Princess I thought the check would be believable

I tried to express it as ‘Amelia is Scorned, but let’s keep her alive’ so that if she were actual Scorned she would be willing to admit it

Are you an actual Merc? We’ve literally just had one 3p flip so I’m extremely skeptical of this claim.

Hardclaim this or rescind it.

I claimed Prince D1 because I can make myself Death Immune.

I defended Merc D2 because they were a contract.

Instead of forcing me to hardclaim every little thing I do, why not… read?

My actions make sense?

This is very important. Hardclaim it or rescind it, now.

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What are you, some sort of 3rd neutral claim?

… Is Alice also a neut claim?

Nobody lets me FPS in peace anymore.


HC or rescind it now or I’ll make sure you’re executed tonight.

Jesus christ.

I rescind, you suck.

I hardclaim neutral mystic

Well that’s neat of you Alice, what’s this about?

@Alice what was the motivation behind your neut claim?

@Alice why was it so important she rescind?

No, it’s just that Katze being Merc is pretty much an impossibility here and if she is actually claiming that then we should just exe her at night.


Slightly better to not fully explain.

Post #14 still applies. Figure it out.

In general we’re talking about a second Merc claim after Cloned’s flip. This shit’s extremely unlikely and if she insisted on it then I’d rather have the Prince just jail/exe her.

Crusader’s a first merc claim? That’s good one


There’s a flipped neutral.

I would be the second neutral.

You made me rescind my FPS for fucking nothing?