[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

It’s better than expected

…then who are the Cult?

Hi, been busy

/vote Italy

This is bountied

and yes, not rescinding that claim


bounty printer go brrrrrrrr

/vote Italy

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As much as I love the printer going brrrrrr…


Not sure what we’re at but I don’t want to hammer this before the latter half of the day even with a bounty.


if that’s true then ‘lynch Italy, prejail the redcheck, if Italy flips town then we exe the redcheck, if Italy flips scum the redcheck gets exe’d in jail’ seems reasonable

technically this fails if Blizer is scum faking a bounty on town!Italy but that seems … hilariously improbable


I think you need to out your check now.

and actually in that case we just occ + TK Blizer

also that plan is really dumb

[insert Strigoi joke]

munch munch

Well this is really weird

Blizer is my redcheck


That’s… a thing.


really weird

A thing alright

why would scum!Blizer fakeclaim a Bounty when that would just get him executed right away

I… think I know what happened.

Probably knew the check was coming and so wanted to get Italy ML’d before then.

Wait, no, that wouldn’t add up with no N2 eradicate.


…Amelia could be converted? I guess?

or Blizer could be faking a bounty on a partner??? but their interactions seemed really non-W/W?