[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

a bit of mech into off topic

don’t think its AI

openwolving because he can

town has…no reason to keep this going?

im not doing this

I think he’s the convert but if they cant be starting scum convert hunting rn would be fruitless

Well it’s slogan used in the series

Do you call yourself Mandalorian fan when you don’t know what this means?

bold of you to assume my motivations have anything to do with alignments

they do

each one of the quoted posts was carefully calculated

but can you see the truth?

I’ve never called myself a Mandalorian fan because I barely even know what it is. :thinking:


Oh well, maybe you have heard it from somewhere and didn’t even realize

poor, innocent blue

you cannot see my truly Masterminded plan

you’ll know soon enough


Either way I am standing on the ground that other than Blizer, Arete has to cult leader now who attempt to bus Ami, I am going to track down who spread the rumors of Ami being cult leader

/vote Arete

@DatBird @Napoleon


@ChopChop It will be time to share with us now

Hmm…why would he want to dismiss this

I don’t like this post that support my theory Arete have been roleswapped D1 with the starter cult leader in case Mode believes he gets jailed N1

Sarcastic or is that before Amelia claimed redcheck being legit response? If latter then it’s not good either

What’s that suppose to mean, failed to convert ClonedCheese and have Blizer actually put bounty on Possessed/Italy and Ami got right in middle of it?

I see this contradicts my theory that Mode being former CL swapped into starter cult wouldn’t hold water if Arete manage to convert N1 successfully that Blizer may not be converted N1, this does still leave room open with N2 convert

Hmm playing as Cult and say this is pretty risky to pull that off for ModeShifter by playing along with the RT?

Hmm until now he’ve never talked with Arete

I take that back about ‘never’ talked with Arete, however

Hmm okay, no explanation, it’s just a pressure vote

Does not vote Arete and goes that I am much higher chance to flip scum than Arete and doesn’t explain why??


/vote Frostwolf

I don’t know what the VC is and if it’s 3 on FW and 3 on TBE like the last VC implies, I’d rather this one go





I don’t know


EoD is literally in minutes and nobody is around

Can you explain your reasoning?

Wait no

EoD is in 24 hours

I am smart




I gutread TBE as not starting Cult, really

But he might be a convert

We have time though

So panic mode deactivated


Do you have any objections with my cult theory, Jane?

Your Cult theory is Arete, Blizer, Ami, right?