[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Guess who was bull’s eyed N2?

i’ve been awake for roughly ten minutes reeeee

Well, you have 4 roughly 4 hours to convince us you’re not a wolf.

You must be fun in night parties and wake up in afternoon

Sheesh Italy you’re as bad as the guy you subbed in for.

it’s 6 am what the fuck this is probably the most normal time i’ve ever woken up at

Still, this will stop conversion or eradicition while the prince deal with the kill.

Of course you have no consequences of losing your kill ability I think

Italy you’ve haven’t helped the town solve who is who as of now.
You’re not helping your case here.

The only reason you’re not being executed today Italy is because Blizer is red checked claiming a bounty on you. Blizer flipping cult is probably a good look for you.


You also said you are fine with dying tonight? I can still redirect the damage you have from NK if you have it rather than it was on Alice, remember Mercenary and Feathering was visiting Blizer instead? I am beginning to get a bigger picture when you think about it.

If this attack on you is real then Feathering will be suspected for Cult.

At this point if Feathering is Cult, then he can only be a convert.
His interaction with Mercenary who flipped Sorcerer spewed him as starting town at least.

Convert? However he claimed to heal Alice right? Wasn’t on Blizer?

Because of Tavernkeeper’s action, they both visited Blizer instead I mean.

That’s true Frostwolf. Though if Feathering is Cult, then he can only have been converted N2.

How is N1 not possible?

We know N1 conversion was prevented as no one got eradicated N2.
Cult games usually convert on odd nights as they need numbers.
Eradicates are on even nights as Cult Leader can’t do both the same night.

If it fails they have to convert again.

I am beginning to wonder Feathering isn’t convert at all?

I never said Feathering was the convert. My analysis was that Feathering is never starting cult, so he can only be converted N2 if he is cult.

We’re looking for starting cult, then if the game isn’t over we convert hunt.

Then I’ll ask the analysis on why Feathering can’t be starting Cult?