[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

anyways as a loyal member of the Blue Dragon I should stop making jokes about what I would do if I were to be Cult (which I’m not)

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Blizer must be apostle then

Blizer can’t be converted N2 because Amelia redchecked him N2


Blizer/Italy starting cult, Apostle/CL

Arete converted into Invoker

Imagine hypothetically using Chrono on your other Cult member instead of your CL incase he hit himself in confusion, and fainted

thats a real big brain play right there.

what about, hypothetically speaking, calling out both starting Cult as suspicious on D1 and then talking yourself out of it D2 :sunglasses:

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How would Arete even know whos Prince, if she did, Prince should’ve died N3

because Italy, who was going to kill the Prince, was redirected to themself

you’re the Prince

you didn’t die overnight because I’m not Cult and therefore didn’t kill you

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You do realize right Italy hit himself?
Prince absolutely might have been attacked N3 if kat didn’t serve him ale

why not have the Prince has their unredirectable target for erad

because no

only a total idiot would forget to make the Prince the unredirectable target :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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ok so arete is openwolfing

c o n c e d e

Imagine setting up both you and your starting CL to do an actual good Wolfplay d2, only for stuff to happen and being forced to “bounty” said wolf

such is a small and tiny scenario to occur.

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can I have king them

I really wanna be king



Make me king smh

honestly? down with the fucking monarchy

Adiart needs socialism

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MVP amelia

literally 3 redchecks