[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Night has begun and will last 24 hours from flip or 2020-06-17T15:16:00Z

Skip night is available if everyone types /skip night in classcard

Game is called. Mechanically, Cult cannot win.

The Blue Dragon and The Crusader have won!


Please never, ever rand me Kingus again.


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But Jane
What if itā€™s Neutral King :sunglasses:

Oh, thatā€™d be 200% fine. (I was talking about FoL).

thatā€™s the joke

But yes
King is eh



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donā€™t have much to say in post game discussion

SF not being a meme is good


we had like 24 hours of post game discussion already

Oh, almost forgot.

@Arete if you selected Prince as 2nd target, only Italy wouldā€™ve died.

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I do think the point that Arete brought up earlier about Apostle is valid

Apostle is not good

heh, at least I was right in Feathering fakeclaiming

Starting Apostle needs a buff or something

converted Apostle by itself is ehh

Only thing that makes it shit is you cant do a noble fake claim if you wanted to

which, sucks quite quite a bit

Apostle kind of
Doesnā€™t really do a lot

Apostleā€™s abilities are oriented towards being able to maintain a fakeclaim from pre-conversion

and itā€™s not even particularly good at it

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I feel super low energy
just making a bunch of obvious calls

apostle gets abilities / passives based on what they were converted from (priest / mystic)
at base, it operates like noble

cult leader gets ability to choose what cult class starting convert is

crusader loses one shot kill
bd crusader can be converted (acting as effectively physician)

Party at katzeā€™s house N1.

SF wasnā€™t a meme for once.
