[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Just get 3 redchecks in a row


I had and was going to continue tunneling them

and that would be dumb.

I wasnt sure between Alice/Italy because I thought the red mightve been alice and green Italy because I have reads

gorta popped into my head but a good case can be made for them for V and I thought they were V

I still canā€™t believe that worked.


Me too lol

Hey, I also did this. I also memed the Sellsword. Ironic, right?

Oh, you meant reactiontest thingy.

then I memed the sellsword

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more accurately

alice dunked on the NK

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feathering pulled the alpha move of pushing the NK so that he could play NK


oh yeah that was alpha as shit

feathering was an alt right?

we can discuss this post game canā€™t we

donā€™t alts get revealed post game


thatā€™s what I think but uh idk if we can

feathering is wazza

oh shit


was I the only one who kind of guessed it

Wait, really? I never noticed.

Congratulations, @Wazza, Iā€™d say you played really well.

In hindsight, I couldā€™ve probably maybe guessed it if I knew it was an alt?

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if I knew it was wazza I would have pushed him harder for the phys claim :upside_down_face:

i didnt think about it

i thought they were an alt and left it at that

if i ISOed them maybe itā€™d make sense?

@Wazza/@feathering did you actually forget i was bleeding D2 or were you playing NE until you got a wincon?

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