[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

They’re literally from 2 entirely different interactions yet you’re treating them like one is in response to another.

Then again we need to talk about something other than Marshal. We’re supposed to ignore the outed Fool.

Ah. My fault. They were right after one another in the ISO.


Anyway the same can be said about the “I hacked your computer one”.
His lack of self-conservation screams either Fool or Bussed to me.
I would advocate for Prince to exe this.


Yep I was saying that Prince should kill Marshal, if my suspicion he is a Fool is correct here.

I don’t think Prince should execute anyone yet; if we’re wrong and they’re town, Prince loses all executions, and you said yourself that they had some really towny posts.

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I have to say Jane planning to put either me with another town read seems GK to me.
Jane seems to be doing GK stuff, yet we shall see.

The two “really towny” posts were the one you pointed out that were on different contexts and his opening not being agenda-y (which was not “really towny”).
If there is anything someone would advocate for in Marshal’s case, it is TWTBAW.

Oh before I go to bed, please try to keep talk about the Prince to a minimum. Evils are reading this chat to see who is PoE in Prince. So keep it to a minimum or none at all if possible.

Well, I guess I misread that, my bad.

Anyway, I still don’t think Prince should execute anyone N1.

Correct me if I’m mistaken, yet I’m very sure Prince can’t execute N1.

Anyway something something don’t talk about the Prince too much.

It was more a form of expression than an order. Any killer class dealing with Marshal should do. Recomendaly not the Prince, but I don’t know if anyone else can kill at night.

Knights and Archers can perform the night kill for BD at night.

You can find all the classcards here.

This kind of talk isn’t going to do anything though, we’re just talking about what Prince should or shouldn’t do, not about who is Prince.


Alright my brain needs sleep. I’m thinking of ToL Prince who can’t execute until starting N3.
Still lets keep the Prince chat to a minimum.

Oh nearly forgot, Alchemist can also night kill by brewing the killer potion with their day ability.

Have a good day/night everyone.

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cant be here for EoD btw

also we shouldn’t declare who is getting jailed either

that way there is the off chance a nightkill/convert hits the jail

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I need to sleep