[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Its literally D1 my man. Do you know my meta, or are you just going off of what others say?

that makes two of us :^)


it is a stupid way to read arete, you should probably be looking for agenda instead of amount of content

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Arete, please, Iā€™m already running late :pleading_face:.

I donā€™t have time to go through thread, but can someone find me all of the people who have CRich as a townlean? I know its a few.

Who started the ā€˜Your readslist makes you scumā€™ push?

Hm, what do you mean by agenda in this sentence? It can mean lots of different things but I want an explanation for what youā€™re trying to say here.

Just do it if youā€™re confident in it.

thatā€™s fine with me

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Hes claiming that inactivity is my meta based on what Arete said (looks pockety) while not understanding my D1 meta. It looks cherry-picked.

I think it was Alice but you took the ball and ran with it

pushing for mislynches, trying to keep the PoE wide, generally anything that looks like they drew the conclusion before the reasoning

Donā€™t think he would ask to be coached if he claims to have FM experience. Do you have any further reasons to clean Feathering?

Nah. It is common for newish people in general to post their entire readslists. This is not incriminating. Iā€™m not defending TheBlue here, just correcting your logic track.

oh good Iā€™m caught up now

Merc pushing for a N1 jailexe on a contentious slot is making me feel slightly worse about her (since a misexe makes the Prince lose exes)

You can replace out if you donā€™t want to play the game, sweetie.

It was an expression. The only important thing is not to lynch Marshal. It would be better if a killing class dealt with him.

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I have evolved

this post cant be complete fluff so im waiting to respond to something else too

whoever will be jailed shouldnā€™t be public but exes just shouldnā€™t be a thing this early IMO(I looked up IMO too)

Purely off of postcount in other FoL games (not gonna actually compare posts yet):
FoL21 D1 (MM!Possessed) you had ~20 posts
Skipping FoL22 because I did this backwards and Iā€™ve already seen enough town!Possed
FoL23 D1 (Fool!Possessed) you had ~30 posts
FoL24 D1 (Town!Possed) you had ~20 posts
FoL25 D1 (Town!Possed) you had ~32 posts
FoL26 D1 (Town!Possed) you had ~160 posts

shrug, I should probably actually analyze your posts rather than the postcount, because your lack of high posting on D1 seems fairly NAI.

I think he just wants Prince to jail someone specific ā€“ not jail + execute them.

I still prefer Alice a bit, but Iā€™ll accept the nerd as well

This is really the comment that has me thrown off. Its D1 and heā€™s already exclaiming that wolves ā€œarenā€™t controlling this threadā€.

To make that determination is ridiculous on D1. Heā€™s forcing a narrative that puts himself and likely more wolves in a ā€œtowncoreā€ based on post counts and townreads.



I donā€™t exactly remember that, I remember stating it before Alice, then Alice said it, and then I just kept going for it.

Hm, well thatā€™s basically what I got from them. They posted wallposts that drew conclusions on the posts they posted.

Hm, I donā€™t know Elixir, had no clue they were new. Either way if you look in the situation earlier youā€™d see why I scumlean them from the entire thing.

How do you feel knowing CRich is doing the same.

Okay, I donā€™t know if itā€™s different here but from what I know people hate being asked to replace out, so instead of giving helpful advice you instead seem like someone who just wants to be mean. I donā€™t know if youā€™re saying this because youā€™re mad at him or something or think he should actually replace out.

Oh shit, they are actually advocating for a N1 jailexe.


didnā€™t CRich say that the Prince shouldnā€™t execute Marshal so soon

I demand all CRich townreads step forward so I can rip thyne ads apart.
