[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Back to pressuring Ami

/vote Ami

Sorry. I was talking to Town.

I know, but Iā€™m not going to listen to you since youā€™re a wolb :upside_down_face:.

no Iā€™m a neutral.

Sure, yeah, totally.

do you guys allow me to fucking kill Jane because I would do so gracefully

I find it mildly hilarious that I believe the neutral claim more than Jane, of all people.

But in the event you arenā€™t jailed tonight (I wouldnā€™t count on this) you should probably heal me :eyes:

Unless we lynch a bad guy today.

But again, I wouldnā€™t count on you having any freedom tonight.

Prince couldnā€™t swap between a lynch flipping and jailing me since selecting the jail target is a day action

I would rather lynch bad guy over a good guy since Mercenary is a liability

so donā€™t count on me for healing Katze tonight since Iā€™m very probably being jailed

have you read anything i posted

let them self-resolve :stuck_out_tongue:

Has anyone read me as town in any of my past games
Read my record of D1 top wagons

inform the idiot on what this means please

You have yet to explain how the fuck that was a push at all
I donā€™t see a world where you are town doing this because ā€œintro weirdā€ -> ā€œwtfā€ does not tell you anything due to the lack of substance in your ā€œpushā€

ā€¦crusader can heal?

how about no

Iā€™m not counting on your heal, to be honest.

Pretty sure Iā€™ll be healed before I bleed out, anyway.

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Same. Iā€™m a claimed healer/killer. If I get to BD Iā€™m probably being redirected/occed anyway.

lmao I thought day was ending but it is 48h

I have.

Information Instead of Analysis.

ā€¦explain why my push on Crich is this? Iā€™m still confused what it means

None of this is actual analysis.

how the fuck is this information

How the fuck is this information

None of these are my main points

ā€¦would you like to be added to my list of ā€œppl that are just saying random bs to make me look badā€

Hmm, fair chance Merc could be a killer and Feather could be a healer here, or the opposite tbh.

Merc flipping NK/Ass means that Featherā€™s probably just a Phys/Alch.

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