[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)


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because a paladin checked you?

Top scoom and a conflicted powerful player
Thought ppl were going to check aroot

…what kind of Scorned outs as a Paladin d2 without knowing if it’s a Cult or Unseen game?


I have time to vote, but I don’t want to end the discussion yet

So what if I told you that I have a result that contradicts your night action?

They’d have to tailor it n1, when they had no idea if it was a Cult or Unseen game.

Then id say nice rt


“Nice rt”

or scorned could flip as SS

But the birdie didn’t see any visitors to Arete last night :thinking:

TBH you shoulda just claimed Hunter with a bleed on me :^)

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Hmm, that makes sense.

and also can you have an ISO that isn’t aimed at making CRich scum

if cloned flips SS I don’t trust amelia as much
maybe would want to flirt her

if cloned flips cult i’m fine with trusting amelia

I ship it.


Im saying in what world am i a better convert than amelia

alice like 80% of ships involving me are illegal :newspaper_roll:



or just jump straight to trusting amelia

works 90% of the time

Standing by this.

Coulda made me fear the whole “dying to a bleed in 1 night” thing.


i’m just saying in the event of a SS flip

that amelia might be scorned