[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)


Which is why y’all should stop being so over-reliant on meta.

marshal was a host

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Go ahead. It may be useful while I decide if I should target you with my day ability or not.

Wait, there is meta in FM? I thought everyone did whatever they want.

Meta-reading is a term that means to read a player based on their past games.

It’s dumb, as you’ve said that it can be easily changed.


meta is when you look at someone’s past games and see if their similar

or that’s how we use it here

While we’re discussing katze and how they’re undeniably a cute-tral – what do you take of my posting so far, @Alice?

Eh, kind of think it’s v-indicative as your FPS has been far more attention-grabby than average.

To be fair I’m quite unmeta-able because my last game was over 8 months ago.
The first person to try seriously to use meta against me will be properly high heeled.

What FPS?

like this post
it just seems like you are trying to seem extra productive while doing nothing
and I feel like you know that

you make “gutread TBE villa” into such a long and drawn out post with a fake thought process and a hedge sentence after

and I have the feeling you know this.

so yes I stick with my read that this being a reaction test possible.

If you’re talking about claiming Prince in my third post; why are you V-leaning me for something you did as a wolf in literally the last FoL?

hot take

75 percent of the difference between kat’s play here and normally is that she’s using capital letters and that makes her tone seem really weird


did you read kat’s tbe post
it took a gut read and stretched it out 10x longer than it needed to be

This is how im reading you from your posts though. Like, thats on you (And you admit that). From what ive read, i pointed out what it looks like and how it felt forced to me.

Stuff like that should not be brought up.

I understand you were asked for it, and i know you said you did not have that many reads. But, the ones that you do have, you should try to expand upon, thats how you generate discussion and get the ball rolling.

Again, from my perspective and how i read you from your posts and thought process, it did not look good, and it felt like you were posts were forced.

wasn’t that in response to her being pushed for a gutread post on TBE that didn’t have any of the extra bonus qualifiers

I meant your intro. Doesn’t really look like it’s intent was NAI and so there must be a reason for why you posted it.

her intro post was a copypasta from Game 6 in the MU Championships

What, the post that I copied from mafia champs?

Are you talking about the copy pasta or the second post Katze posted?