[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

well, that makes it more likely that she is framed/converted

Oh, FoL Apostle doesnā€™t have mindwarp.


Sellsword will show up as Cult/Unseen, can we move on?

I meant towards Ameliaā€™s redcheck, but I still think we lynch her red today rather than jail/exe it.

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TBH, if I wasnā€™t healed last night, itā€™s probably not the worst idea ever to let me bleed out.

But kat. Iā€™d miss you so freaking much.

I would be wondering how you survived Sorcererā€™s attack N1, but I will be probably not asking that since whoever did that is clearly BD :eyes:

Iā€™m sorry I wasnā€™t the neut you wanted me to be :frowning:

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inb4 Feathering lied about his heal on Alice and he actually healed kat

Itā€™s fine, kat.

/Vote Italy

@Napoleon @DatBird @Italy

I mean, I have mechanical information that Feathering didnā€™t visit Alice on N1.

I guess I should have outted that earlier, though.

That reactiontest is way more subtle :eyes:

Hardclaiming that.


thatā€™s enough for me

Mostly because it doesnā€™t out my true class. Narrows it down, but only Arete/Jane should know what I actually am.

@Alice Your move.

ā€¦so what exactly is this supposed to accomplish?

How do you interpret the information I put forward?

Then someone else protected me or Merc just didnā€™t attack me.

This doesnā€™t really prove Feathering cult as if he got occupied or redirected he wouldnā€™t know.

I never said it made Feathering cult.


was 279 an FPS, then?