[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

I think cloned was actually a Sellsword, which is why I don’t think Amelia is Scorned.

Which is making the redcheck on the guy claiming a bounty very… interesting.

You’re right, what we do with Blizer is another matter

Sellsword can’t day occ and cheese flipped Sellsword. Lets not second guess ourselves over his flip.
We got rid of an anti-BD neutral, which is a good start.

TBH, I’m leaning towards having Blizer pre-jailed and cuddling Italy. If the bounty activates, then we have to figure out if Amelia is converted, or if she hit a frame.

Can the Cult bounty?

Cuddling Italy? I didn’t know you were the cuddling type. Prince should lock onto Blizer if he isn’t executed today.

no they can’t

I think Ishould be able to but I cant

I really wish i could bounty :man_shrugging:

ok kat that was the last one


they have ‘fake Mystic,’ ‘fake Mystic but differently,’ ‘out yourself as Apostle,’ and ‘knockoff Priest’


You’re making me top post again. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

Except I’m the one who top posts.

kat @ me rn

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anyways I have to go eat dinner

see you all in a bit

will try to sort this out when I get back

I think we wait until Italy begins to play. If he doesn’t do anything we execute him and pre-jail Blizer. If he does, we just execute Blizer.

I miss you, come back :frowning:

Don’t forget! Everyone has the right to vote! (except for DatBird and Geyde, they aren’t cool enough)

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Ami Alice 1/9
Italy Marshal, Jane, Blizer, CRichard 4/9
Marshal TheBlueElixir 1/9
Not Voting Amelia, ATNoName, an_gorta_pratai, FrostWolf103, Italy, Feathering, ModeShifter, Ami, Arete, katze 10

Let me know if I miss anything :slight_smile:

Be a good kid and ping me when you vote.

blue why are you voting marshal



Amelia claims to redcheck Blizer

Blizer claims to have bountied Italy

Since Apostle cant bounty, and Blizer cant have been converted last night(since red),

the play here is to kill Italy and pre-jail Blizer.

that way, three outcomes:

  • Italy flips scum
  • Don’t exe Blizer
  • Amelia, if scorned, doesn’t kill a mark. If pally, investigates elsewhere

  • Italy flips town, bounty triggers
  • lynch PoE
  • Jailexe Amelia

  • Italy flips town, bounty doesn’t trigger
  • Jailexe Blizer and pray nobody red./occ’d them
  • Amelia investigates elsewhere

claims apostle

Hard veto the exe on Amelia as Cult can frame.

Imo we only exe Italy if Italy doesn’t make himself obvious villa

That’s a plan TBE. I think if what I think you are is correct, then you are 100% BD.