[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)


if I didn’t want to force the hosts to keep track of my moving vote id vote you

this is definitely a claim that I definitely believe

I’m the Prince.

I’m the Prince.

your whole theory is that I was converted N2

a fake red reactiontest wouldn’t even make sense given that because in that world I … would be green N2, and would therefore know you were reactiontesting

I’m the Alch

I mean Priest

I mean Prince

cat picture

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so pew pew

I’m actually a Priest and it’s just Marshal and Katze covering for me.


I’m the arbiter

am I in the right game

and the Mystic links that have been happening actually came from an Apostle

wdym came from apostle, you see you are outnumbered. we are all cults

all of you lie

yeet all liars

Perhaps I’m the Prince :sunglasses: .

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I’m the Prince who jailed and healed Alice :sunglasses:.

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I’ll leave it to you to decide if I’m meme claiming or not :slight_smile: .

Speaking of healing:

@Alice Do you think I should be healed tonight?

I don’t really care either way, personally, but obviously I’m stronger alive than dead :eyes:

your a TK claim right

Tavernkeep, correct.

die and SA tonight