[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

being a better budget possessed ofc

also kat: I donā€™t hardclaim RTs

are you just saying this because Iā€™ve been pushing you

that was the first bleed claim

/vote arete


still against ami wagon btw

Like, this logic doesnā€™t even hold up in the context that in this same game I hardclaimed my bleed in the same message I claimed it

Iā€™ve said a dozen times I donā€™t give a shit if I bleed out

Your D3 has been awful

You are converted

Convince me you arenā€™t

I will box you in until you convince me to let you out of this box

that was fake?

2nd bleed claim was fake, the 1st one was real

No, that was my D2 bleed. Which was real and I maintain that was real.

I claimed a fake bleed today.

This one was blatantly fake and not hardclaimed

and Arete didnā€™t question it at all

eh idk if arete is converted

I knew arete would actually think I was apostle if I went ā€œi can openwolf and nobody will believe meā€

iā€™ve been saving saying that for like 10 games because either that or the time wasnā€™t right

the entire case on me is ā€˜thought that a fake bleed was real, and also thought that Italy could be a neut, when as we all know cheese was the neut and there couldnā€™t possibly be a second oneā€™


this is unironically worse logic than D3 of SFoL 61.5

katze in particular pretty much ignored me yesterday and only started pushing me today after I pointed out how theyā€™d been trying to discredit my push on Blizer, sheā€™s been changing her arguments for how Iā€™m Totally Scum, For Real, Guys every time I point out that her arguments make no fucking sense, her entire case on me is because Iā€™m pushing her and no one else cares

I see post I donā€™t like and I vote you

logic good

dybu dabu


I donā€™t even know what youā€™re talking about here, lmao

Your logic today has been awful and I will quote more posts to prove it?

In my mind thereā€™s a 85% chance youā€™re converted and 15% chance Iā€™m misreading low-WIM Arete as a wolf

but I donā€™t give a shit about that 15% because Iā€™m bleeding out tonight, not my loss :^)

@Feathering DO NOT HEAL ME.

Arete: pushes Blizerā€™s obvious fucking partner

katze: OMGUSes Arete

Arete: points out that this is blatant OMGUS

TBE: ā€˜aReTe ScUm!!!11!ā€™

you were pushing Blizer?

Iā€™m putting all of my eggs in this basket

You are a wolf

wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf





the specific interaction I was referencing was in Allies Chat N1

but ā€¦ yes? I was? like most of it was D1/D2 and the tinfoil people are pushing is that I was the N2 convert but ā€¦ that is in fact a thing I was doingā€¦

kat am I doing this