[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

If he’s Cult Leader which I personally believe, then Arete’s action to indicate I am converted will be proven false on conclusion

If he is cult leader then it’s over for the cult

Ami isn’t a Butler, Frost.

She did claim as such did she not, redirect-immune, I mean?

I’ll be happy to case them after basketball training, if you still think they’re BD for whatever reason.

She did claim Butler, then why are you afraid of this Jane

What makes you think I’m afraid of it???

To resolve the issue, you need to be poisoned and Ami be jailed, while we execute Blizer today.

Blizer flipping Cult Leader will spew Ami and me as BD.

Class change between cult class can only occur at the start of night



She need to be jailed. what’s so hard for you to understand

How in the everloving fuck does Blizer flipping CL spew you and Ami as BD?!?!?

Arete’s redirect action with Ami towards me and speculating that Ami is Cult Leader will indicate that I am converted.

I am proven this otherwise when Blizer may flip Cult Leader

So I don’t know if Feathering should heal you from the poison when Blizer do flip Cult Leader, but don’t you think you need a successor anyway?

That’s not how any of this works.

There is no posion. Ami is NOT a Butler. Can you use your brain for a hot minute?

You’re just denying then?

Ami can’t convert or eradicate while in jail so

Execute Blizer, jail Ami.

if Blizer flips Cult Leader then it proves that Ami did not convert me N1 according to Arete’s action.

This is just pure speculation

Since you don’t care what I am going to say because I did try to explain it to you, I am voting Blizer regardless whether you agree with my plan or not.

You are not going to change my mind here.

Your “logic” just doesn’t make any fucking sense.

And hot mind of yours need a reminder:

Since Katze is bled by cult leader, you can’t use the day ability to change cult class especially on D2.

So if Blizer do flip Cult Leader then you don’t need rocket science to prove that I am correct.